GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16221 to 16240 of 18353 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 1.20ct VVS2 I $3,261.22 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 H $3,257.18 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 E $3,205.44 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 H $3,182.59 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VS1 I $3,178.56 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI1 J $3,153.02 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VVS2 J $3,132.86 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VVS2 J $3,132.86 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VVS1 I $3,111.70 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI1 I $3,092.54 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 F $3,090.53 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI1 G $3,080.45 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 F $3,076.42 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VS1 J $3,050.21 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VS1 J $3,015.94 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 I $3,015.94 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI2 G $3,010.56 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VS1 J $3,004.51 Call our store
Round 1.20ct SI1 I $2,987.71 Call our store
Round 1.20ct VS1 J $2,970.24 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N584936766 Round 6.75x6.66x4.25mm 1.20ct VVS2 I Excellent GIA $2,717.68 /carat $3,261.22 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N504366867 Round 6.80x6.75x4.24mm 1.20ct SI2 H Excellent GIA $2,714.32 /carat $3,257.18 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N557366767 Round 6.75x6.71x4.27mm 1.20ct SI2 E Excellent GIA $2,671.20 /carat $3,205.44 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N172586768 Round 6.77x6.82x4.20mm 1.20ct SI2 H Excellent GIA $2,652.16 /carat $3,182.59 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N526636767 Round 6.77x6.72x4.22mm 1.20ct VS1 I Excellent GIA $2,648.80 /carat $3,178.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N449796868 Round 6.82x6.86x4.18mm 1.20ct SI1 J Excellent GIA $2,627.52 /carat $3,153.02 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N162216768 Round 6.77x6.82x4.22mm 1.20ct VVS2 J Excellent GIA $2,610.72 /carat $3,132.86 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N108506767 Round 6.72x6.77x4.24mm 1.20ct VVS2 J Excellent GIA $2,610.72 /carat $3,132.86 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N589026868 Round 6.89x6.83x4.12mm 1.20ct VVS1 I Excellent GIA $2,593.08 /carat $3,111.70 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N497326767 Round 6.72x6.76x4.26mm 1.20ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $2,577.12 /carat $3,092.54 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N523036767 Round 6.78x6.73x4.20mm 1.20ct SI2 F Excellent GIA $2,575.44 /carat $3,090.53 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N539376767 Round 6.77x6.71x4.22mm 1.20ct SI1 G Excellent GIA $2,567.04 /carat $3,080.45 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N572416767 Round 6.74x6.70x4.26mm 1.20ct SI2 F Excellent GIA $2,563.68 /carat $3,076.42 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N595316766 Round 6.75x6.69x4.24mm 1.20ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $2,541.84 /carat $3,050.21 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N514406767 Round 6.79x6.74x4.24mm 1.20ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $2,513.28 /carat $3,015.94 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N772966767 Round 6.78x6.72x4.28mm 1.20ct SI2 I Excellent GIA $2,513.28 /carat $3,015.94 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N735226968 Round 6.94x6.87x4.15mm 1.20ct SI2 G Excellent GIA $2,508.80 /carat $3,010.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N508266767 Round 6.76x6.72x4.24mm 1.20ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $2,503.76 /carat $3,004.51 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N598966868 Round 6.84x6.80x4.19mm 1.20ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $2,489.76 /carat $2,987.71 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N500246767 Round 6.77x6.72x4.27mm 1.20ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $2,475.20 /carat $2,970.24 /stone Call our store

Items 16221 to 16240 of 18353 total

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