GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16521 to 16540 of 18145 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 1.50ct SI1 H $9,900.24 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 D $9,878.40 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 D $9,838.08 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS2 G $9,815.40 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS2 H $9,703.68 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 H $9,661.68 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 D $9,623.88 Call our store
Round 1.50ct IF H $9,616.32 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS2 E $9,609.60 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 H $9,576.00 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 H $9,576.00 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 D $9,567.60 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS2 E $9,517.20 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 D $9,515.52 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 F $9,510.48 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS2 E $9,489.48 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS2 G $9,480.24 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS2 D $9,475.20 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 D $9,354.24 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS2 H $9,325.68 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N401317575 Round 7.55x7.52x4.42mm 1.50ct SI1 H Excellent GIA $6,600.16 /carat $9,900.24 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N553847372 Round 7.31x7.27x4.54mm 1.50ct SI1 D Excellent GIA $6,585.60 /carat $9,878.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N532347272 Round 7.26x7.21x4.58mm 1.50ct SI1 D Excellent GIA $6,558.72 /carat $9,838.08 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N599797272 Round 7.28x7.22x4.60mm 1.50ct VVS2 G Excellent GIA $6,543.60 /carat $9,815.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N464557473 Round 7.41x7.34x4.45mm 1.50ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $6,469.12 /carat $9,703.68 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N459047473 Round 7.41x7.38x4.49mm 1.50ct SI1 H Excellent GIA $6,441.12 /carat $9,661.68 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N514427271 Round 7.25x7.18x4.58mm 1.50ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $6,415.92 /carat $9,623.88 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N310457374 Round 7.37x7.42x4.48mm 1.50ct IF H Excellent GIA $6,410.88 /carat $9,616.32 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N524747373 Round 7.37x7.31x4.49mm 1.50ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $6,406.40 /carat $9,609.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N157307374 Round 7.39x7.43x4.50mm 1.50ct VVS1 H Excellent GIA $6,384.00 /carat $9,576.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N151667373 Round 7.31x7.35x4.49mm 1.50ct VVS1 H Excellent GIA $6,384.00 /carat $9,576.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N555617069 Round 7.00x6.91x4.66mm 1.50ct VS1 D Good GIA $6,378.40 /carat $9,567.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N543897373 Round 7.39x7.31x4.50mm 1.50ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $6,344.80 /carat $9,517.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N135627374 Round 7.36x7.41x4.49mm 1.50ct SI1 D Excellent GIA $6,343.68 /carat $9,515.52 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N558957171 Round 7.16x7.10x4.58mm 1.50ct VVS1 F Very good GIA $6,340.32 /carat $9,510.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N591417574 Round 7.50x7.46x4.39mm 1.50ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $6,326.32 /carat $9,489.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N564217373 Round 7.36x7.32x4.51mm 1.50ct VVS2 G Excellent GIA $6,320.16 /carat $9,480.24 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N582407372 Round 7.32x7.26x4.48mm 1.50ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $6,316.80 /carat $9,475.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N590437372 Round 7.33x7.28x4.57mm 1.50ct SI1 D Excellent GIA $6,236.16 /carat $9,354.24 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N168637373 Round 7.30x7.34x4.52mm 1.50ct VVS2 H Excellent GIA $6,217.12 /carat $9,325.68 /stone Call our store

Items 16521 to 16540 of 18145 total

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