GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16541 to 16560 of 18144 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 1.50ct SI1 E $8,709.54 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 E $8,672.16 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 D $8,628.48 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 H $8,610.00 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,573.04 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,537.76 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 H $8,484.00 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,467.20 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 D $8,385.72 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 E $8,373.12 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VVS1 G $8,361.36 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,326.08 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 G $8,316.00 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,290.80 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,290.80 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 H $8,266.86 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 E $8,260.98 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,255.52 Call our store
Round 1.50ct SI1 F $8,255.52 Call our store
Round 1.50ct VS1 E $8,249.64 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N546137474 Round 7.44x7.40x4.43mm 1.50ct SI1 E Excellent GIA $5,806.36 /carat $8,709.54 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N118777273 Round 7.28x7.31x4.55mm 1.50ct SI1 E Excellent GIA $5,781.44 /carat $8,672.16 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N530327272 Round 7.26x7.20x4.61mm 1.50ct SI1 D Excellent GIA $5,752.32 /carat $8,628.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N579677272 Round 7.26x7.20x4.54mm 1.50ct VVS1 H Excellent GIA $5,740.00 /carat $8,610.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N564277474 Round 7.48x7.44x4.40mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,715.36 /carat $8,573.04 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N531917372 Round 7.34x7.28x4.53mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,691.84 /carat $8,537.76 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N540717170 Round 7.12x7.06x4.59mm 1.50ct VVS1 H Very good GIA $5,656.00 /carat $8,484.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N163277272 Round 7.23x7.29x4.57mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,644.80 /carat $8,467.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N578906968 Round 6.98x6.88x4.64mm 1.50ct VS1 D Good GIA $5,590.48 /carat $8,385.72 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N503077373 Round 7.38x7.32x4.44mm 1.50ct SI1 E Excellent GIA $5,582.08 /carat $8,373.12 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N526017170 Round 7.15x7.09x4.63mm 1.50ct VVS1 G Very good GIA $5,574.24 /carat $8,361.36 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N495987475 Round 7.46x7.50x4.45mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,550.72 /carat $8,326.08 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N556037170 Round 7.17x7.08x4.53mm 1.50ct VS1 G Very good GIA $5,544.00 /carat $8,316.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N509497372 Round 7.31x7.27x4.55mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,527.20 /carat $8,290.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N555827372 Round 7.32x7.27x4.57mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,527.20 /carat $8,290.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N529387373 Round 7.39x7.34x4.45mm 1.50ct VS1 H Excellent GIA $5,511.24 /carat $8,266.86 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N556307272 Round 7.29x7.24x4.56mm 1.50ct SI1 E Excellent GIA $5,507.32 /carat $8,260.98 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N516317372 Round 7.33x7.27x4.49mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,503.68 /carat $8,255.52 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N500727473 Round 7.40x7.34x4.46mm 1.50ct SI1 F Excellent GIA $5,503.68 /carat $8,255.52 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N502717170 Round 7.14x7.04x4.60mm 1.50ct VS1 E Very good GIA $5,499.76 /carat $8,249.64 /stone Call our store

Items 16541 to 16560 of 18144 total

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