GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16941 to 16960 of 17947 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 1.54ct VS1 K $4,884.20 Call our store
Round 1.54ct SI1 J $4,829.44 Call our store
Round 1.54ct I1 J $3,095.15 Call our store
Round 1.54ct VS2 K $3,035.65 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS1 D $20,127.18 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS2 F $16,884.34 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS2 D $12,863.76 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS2 G $11,725.81 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS2 H $9,399.57 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS2 H $7,772.07 Call our store
Round 1.55ct SI1 H $7,486.50 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS1 J $5,590.79 Call our store
Round 1.55ct SI1 K $4,520.54 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS2 M $3,909.91 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VVS2 M $3,656.02 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS2 L $3,496.30 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS2 L $3,232.43 Call our store
Round 1.55ct VS1 M $2,671.70 Call our store
Round 1.56ct VS2 D $12,841.92 Call our store
Round 1.56ct VS1 D $12,642.74 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N557887373 Round 7.38x7.32x4.60mm 1.54ct VS1 K Excellent GIA $3,171.56 /carat $4,884.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N586547373 Round 7.36x7.30x4.59mm 1.54ct SI1 J Excellent GIA $3,136.00 /carat $4,829.44 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N554757574 Round 7.50x7.44x4.48mm 1.54ct I1 J Excellent GIA $2,009.84 /carat $3,095.15 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N346577373 Round 7.32x7.37x4.59mm 1.54ct VS2 K Excellent GIA $1,971.20 /carat $3,035.65 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N120447373 Round 7.31x7.36x4.58mm 1.55ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $12,985.28 /carat $20,127.18 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N677757474 Round 7.42x7.45x4.58mm 1.55ct VVS2 F Excellent GIA $10,893.12 /carat $16,884.34 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N559637373 Round 7.39x7.32x4.57mm 1.55ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $8,299.20 /carat $12,863.76 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N504317575 Round 7.53x7.50x4.48mm 1.55ct VVS2 G Excellent GIA $7,565.04 /carat $11,725.81 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N565727473 Round 7.40x7.33x4.61mm 1.55ct VVS2 H Excellent GIA $6,064.24 /carat $9,399.57 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N573367373 Round 7.38x7.32x4.61mm 1.55ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $5,014.24 /carat $7,772.07 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N506867373 Round 7.37x7.32x4.61mm 1.55ct SI1 H Excellent GIA $4,830.00 /carat $7,486.50 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N574867373 Round 7.36x7.32x4.59mm 1.55ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $3,606.96 /carat $5,590.79 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N176747373 Round 7.33x7.37x4.60mm 1.55ct SI1 K Excellent GIA $2,916.48 /carat $4,520.54 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N531237373 Round 7.39x7.35x4.57mm 1.55ct VVS2 M Excellent GIA $2,522.52 /carat $3,909.91 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N531457373 Round 7.39x7.35x4.60mm 1.55ct VVS2 M Excellent GIA $2,358.72 /carat $3,656.02 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N515927473 Round 7.40x7.37x4.58mm 1.55ct VS2 L Excellent GIA $2,255.68 /carat $3,496.30 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N549957373 Round 7.36x7.30x4.60mm 1.55ct VS2 L Excellent GIA $2,085.44 /carat $3,232.43 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N570957574 Round 7.50x7.44x4.51mm 1.55ct VS1 M Excellent GIA $1,723.68 /carat $2,671.70 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N564937473 Round 7.43x7.37x4.57mm 1.56ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $8,232.00 /carat $12,841.92 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N113987474 Round 7.43x7.46x4.62mm 1.56ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $8,104.32 /carat $12,642.74 /stone Call our store

Items 16941 to 16960 of 17947 total

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