GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 17081 to 17100 of 18076 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 1.56ct SI2 J $3,420.14 Call our store
Round 1.56ct SI1 L $2,783.29 Call our store
Round 1.57ct VS1 F $20,045.76 Call our store
Round 1.57ct VVS1 E $13,537.04 Call our store
Round 1.57ct VS2 H $8,815.74 Call our store
Round 1.57ct SI1 I $8,366.47 Call our store
Round 1.57ct VVS2 I $7,059.98 Call our store
Round 1.57ct SI1 K $4,283.46 Call our store
Round 1.57ct SI2 L $2,301.75 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VVS1 D $18,200.34 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VVS2 E $15,183.17 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VS1 H $8,600.26 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VVS1 I $7,417.72 Call our store
Round 1.58ct SI1 H $7,326.14 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VS1 I $6,858.97 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VVS1 J $6,550.62 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VS2 I $6,466.12 Call our store
Round 1.58ct VVS2 J $6,260.84 Call our store
Round 1.58ct SI1 J $5,264.56 Call our store
Round 1.58ct SI2 J $5,156.61 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N585397473 Round 7.44x7.38x4.59mm 1.56ct SI2 J Excellent GIA $2,192.40 /carat $3,420.14 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N565187474 Round 7.47x7.43x4.56mm 1.56ct SI1 L Excellent GIA $1,784.16 /carat $2,783.29 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N107767374 Round 7.35x7.40x4.61mm 1.57ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $12,768.00 /carat $20,045.76 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N570617473 Round 7.44x7.38x4.63mm 1.57ct VVS1 E Excellent GIA $8,622.32 /carat $13,537.04 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N558727473 Round 7.42x7.36x4.63mm 1.57ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $5,615.12 /carat $8,815.74 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N437597574 Round 7.51x7.44x4.54mm 1.57ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $5,328.96 /carat $8,366.47 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N561067473 Round 7.42x7.37x4.62mm 1.57ct VVS2 I Excellent GIA $4,496.80 /carat $7,059.98 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N142087474 Round 7.48x7.49x4.69mm 1.57ct SI1 K Excellent GIA $2,728.32 /carat $4,283.46 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N511247473 Round 7.41x7.36x4.62mm 1.57ct SI2 L Excellent GIA $1,466.08 /carat $2,301.75 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N122167374 Round 7.38x7.41x4.62mm 1.58ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $11,519.20 /carat $18,200.34 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N558427474 Round 7.46x7.42x4.62mm 1.58ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $9,609.60 /carat $15,183.17 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N192737374 Round 7.39x7.43x4.61mm 1.58ct VS1 H Excellent GIA $5,443.20 /carat $8,600.26 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N560497473 Round 7.44x7.39x4.63mm 1.58ct VVS1 I Excellent GIA $4,694.76 /carat $7,417.72 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N514717473 Round 7.42x7.37x4.63mm 1.58ct SI1 H Excellent GIA $4,636.80 /carat $7,326.14 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N524237473 Round 7.42x7.37x4.63mm 1.58ct VS1 I Excellent GIA $4,341.12 /carat $6,858.97 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N554237473 Round 7.43x7.37x4.62mm 1.58ct VVS1 J Excellent GIA $4,145.96 /carat $6,550.62 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N163427575 Round 7.55x7.59x4.59mm 1.58ct VS2 I Excellent GIA $4,092.48 /carat $6,466.12 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N121657575 Round 7.52x7.55x4.59mm 1.58ct VVS2 J Excellent GIA $3,962.56 /carat $6,260.84 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N520457473 Round 7.42x7.38x4.63mm 1.58ct SI1 J Excellent GIA $3,332.00 /carat $5,264.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N451377374 Round 7.36x7.41x4.63mm 1.58ct SI2 J Excellent GIA $3,263.68 /carat $5,156.61 /stone Call our store

Items 17081 to 17100 of 18076 total

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