GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 17241 to 17260 of 17941 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 2.00ct SI2 H $11,991.84 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 F $11,963.84 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 E $11,936.40 Call our store
Round 2.00ct I1 D $11,782.40 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 I $11,706.24 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 H $11,702.88 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI1 I $11,606.56 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 G $11,592.00 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 H $11,413.92 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 E $11,348.40 Call our store
Round 2.00ct I1 F $11,208.96 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 G $11,025.28 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI1 I $10,932.32 Call our store
Round 2.00ct VS1 I $10,920.00 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 F $10,811.36 Call our store
Round 2.00ct VVS1 J $10,810.80 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 G $10,458.56 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 I $10,395.84 Call our store
Round 2.00ct SI2 H $10,354.40 Call our store
Round 2.00ct I1 E $10,129.28 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N592968180 Round 8.15x8.09x4.87mm 2.00ct SI2 H Excellent GIA $5,995.92 /carat $11,991.84 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N516767878 Round 7.86x7.80x5.05mm 2.00ct SI2 F Very good GIA $5,981.92 /carat $11,963.84 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N560757776 Round 7.70x7.63x5.10mm 2.00ct SI2 E Good GIA $5,968.20 /carat $11,936.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N579038281 Round 8.21x8.17x4.87mm 2.00ct I1 D Excellent GIA $5,891.20 /carat $11,782.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N498568080 Round 8.00x8.06x5.05mm 2.00ct SI2 I Excellent GIA $5,853.12 /carat $11,706.24 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N575078180 Round 8.10x8.00x5.04mm 2.00ct SI2 H Excellent GIA $5,851.44 /carat $11,702.88 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N525338078 Round 8.00x7.88x5.07mm 2.00ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $5,803.28 /carat $11,606.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N552287877 Round 7.82x7.73x5.06mm 2.00ct SI2 G Very good GIA $5,796.00 /carat $11,592.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N568427877 Round 7.87x7.78x5.04mm 2.00ct SI2 H Very good GIA $5,706.96 /carat $11,413.92 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N519117877 Round 7.84x7.76x5.10mm 2.00ct SI2 E Good GIA $5,674.20 /carat $11,348.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N581348080 Round 8.05x8.02x4.97mm 2.00ct I1 F Excellent GIA $5,604.48 /carat $11,208.96 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N575407877 Round 7.83x7.74x5.06mm 2.00ct SI2 G Very good GIA $5,512.64 /carat $11,025.28 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N506558079 Round 8.03x7.98x5.01mm 2.00ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $5,466.16 /carat $10,932.32 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N557117776 Round 7.75x7.68x5.12mm 2.00ct VS1 I Good GIA $5,460.00 /carat $10,920.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N529258080 Round 8.08x8.04x5.05mm 2.00ct SI2 F Excellent GIA $5,405.68 /carat $10,811.36 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N524657675 Round 7.69x7.59x5.08mm 2.00ct VVS1 J Good GIA $5,405.40 /carat $10,810.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N559887675 Round 7.68x7.57x5.11mm 2.00ct SI2 G Good GIA $5,229.28 /carat $10,458.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N560358079 Round 8.01x7.91x5.03mm 2.00ct SI2 I Excellent GIA $5,197.92 /carat $10,395.84 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N579127776 Round 7.73x7.65x5.00mm 2.00ct SI2 H Good GIA $5,177.20 /carat $10,354.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N588498080 Round 8.07x8.00x5.00mm 2.00ct I1 E Excellent GIA $5,064.64 /carat $10,129.28 /stone Call our store

Items 17241 to 17260 of 17941 total

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