GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 17941 to 17960 of 18158 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 3.71ct VVS2 E $90,708.02 Call our store
Round 3.75ct VS2 G $52,920.00 Call our store
Round 3.79ct VS1 I $64,083.75 Call our store
Round 3.85ct VVS1 D $142,813.44 Call our store
Round 4.00ct VS2 F $90,652.80 Call our store
Round 4.00ct VS2 E $82,992.00 Call our store
Round 4.00ct SI1 G $71,344.00 Call our store
Round 4.00ct SI2 G $63,616.00 Call our store
Round 4.00ct VS2 I $56,448.00 Call our store
Round 4.00ct SI1 I $49,582.40 Call our store
Round 4.00ct VS1 N $22,400.00 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VVS1 F $140,125.44 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS2 D $124,318.66 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VVS2 F $123,732.56 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS1 E $117,220.32 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS1 F $110,483.52 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS2 D $106,239.34 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS1 E $105,094.08 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VVS2 G $97,571.32 Call our store
Round 4.01ct VS2 E $94,584.67 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N302849798 Round 9.75x9.83x6.14mm 3.71ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $24,449.60 /carat $90,708.02 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N101259898 Round 9.80x9.88x6.17mm 3.75ct VS2 G Excellent GIA $14,112.00 /carat $52,920.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N691611010 Round 10.00x10.05x6.12mm 3.79ct VS1 I Excellent GIA $16,908.64 /carat $64,083.75 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N177721010 Round 10.08x10.13x6.23mm 3.85ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $37,094.40 /carat $142,813.44 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N356271010 Round 10.07x10.12x6.30mm 4.00ct VS2 F Excellent GIA $22,663.20 /carat $90,652.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N554469897 Round 9.86x9.73x6.40mm 4.00ct VS2 E Very good GIA $20,748.00 /carat $82,992.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N178081010 Round 10.04x10.10x6.34mm 4.00ct SI1 G Excellent GIA $17,836.00 /carat $71,344.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N465291010 Round 10.13x10.06x6.35mm 4.00ct SI2 G Excellent GIA $15,904.00 /carat $63,616.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N162021010 Round 10.28x10.36x6.10mm 4.00ct VS2 I Excellent GIA $14,112.00 /carat $56,448.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N576301010 Round 10.24x10.17x6.16mm 4.00ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $12,395.60 /carat $49,582.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N313551010 Round 10.24x10.31x6.13mm 4.00ct VS1 N Excellent GIA $5,600.00 /carat $22,400.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N191451010 Round 10.05x10.10x6.30mm 4.01ct VVS1 F Excellent GIA $34,944.00 /carat $140,125.44 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N475401010 Round 10.33x10.26x6.22mm 4.01ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $31,002.16 /carat $124,318.66 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N183851010 Round 10.01x10.09x6.31mm 4.01ct VVS2 F Excellent GIA $30,856.00 /carat $123,732.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N199531010 Round 10.07x10.10x6.34mm 4.01ct VS1 E Excellent GIA $29,232.00 /carat $117,220.32 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N154001010 Round 10.05x10.12x6.34mm 4.01ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $27,552.00 /carat $110,483.52 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N149041010 Round 10.03x10.10x6.33mm 4.01ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $26,493.60 /carat $106,239.34 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N306151010 Round 10.01x10.09x6.30mm 4.01ct VS1 E Excellent GIA $26,208.00 /carat $105,094.08 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N386741010 Round 10.05x10.13x6.36mm 4.01ct VVS2 G Excellent GIA $24,332.00 /carat $97,571.32 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N319171010 Round 10.12x10.17x6.28mm 4.01ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $23,587.20 /carat $94,584.67 /stone Call our store

Items 17941 to 17960 of 18158 total

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