GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16661 to 16680 of 16922 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 3.34ct VS1 H $36,809.47 Call our store
Round 3.36ct VVS2 E $89,112.58 Call our store
Round 3.40ct VS1 J $26,122.88 Call our store
Round 3.41ct VS1 F $72,106.50 Call our store
Round 3.43ct SI1 I $45,177.22 Call our store
Round 3.50ct IF E $112,896.00 Call our store
Round 3.50ct VVS2 E $89,924.80 Call our store
Round 3.50ct VVS2 E $82,672.80 Call our store
Round 3.50ct VS1 F $78,635.20 Call our store
Round 3.50ct SI1 I $48,843.20 Call our store
Round 3.50ct SI2 I $41,865.60 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VVS1 D $112,117.82 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VVS1 E $102,368.45 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VS1 D $88,058.88 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VS2 E $67,714.92 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VS2 G $47,056.46 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VS2 K $43,243.20 Call our store
Round 3.51ct VS1 J $37,975.39 Call our store
Round 3.51ct SI2 J $37,621.58 Call our store
Round 3.52ct VVS2 F $85,845.76 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N113069696 Round 9.60x9.66x5.93mm 3.34ct VS1 H Excellent GIA $11,020.80 /carat $36,809.47 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N155589797 Round 9.71x9.73x5.84mm 3.36ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $26,521.60 /carat $89,112.58 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N746229695 Round 9.62x9.59x5.96mm 3.40ct VS1 J Excellent DOR $7,683.20 /carat $26,122.88 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N103449595 Round 9.53x9.58x5.98mm 3.41ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $21,145.60 /carat $72,106.50 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N436299595 Round 9.59x9.52x5.99mm 3.43ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $13,171.20 /carat $45,177.22 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N122029596 Round 9.59x9.67x6.02mm 3.50ct IF E Excellent GIA $32,256.00 /carat $112,896.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N133299596 Round 9.59x9.66x6.02mm 3.50ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $25,692.80 /carat $89,924.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N385989697 Round 9.64x9.70x5.95mm 3.50ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $23,620.80 /carat $82,672.80 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N173469596 Round 9.57x9.65x6.01mm 3.50ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $22,467.20 /carat $78,635.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N438819998 Round 9.91x9.82x5.84mm 3.50ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $13,955.20 /carat $48,843.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N473259897 Round 9.87x9.79x5.91mm 3.50ct SI2 I Excellent GIA $11,961.60 /carat $41,865.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N174359697 Round 9.64x9.70x6.08mm 3.51ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $31,942.40 /carat $112,117.82 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N169619697 Round 9.65x9.72x6.09mm 3.51ct VVS1 E Excellent GIA $29,164.80 /carat $102,368.45 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N127139696 Round 9.63x9.67x6.05mm 3.51ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $25,088.00 /carat $88,058.88 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N126599797 Round 9.71x9.74x6.02mm 3.51ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $19,292.00 /carat $67,714.92 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N148489697 Round 9.66x9.73x5.98mm 3.51ct VS2 G Excellent GIA $13,406.40 /carat $47,056.46 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N189549697 Round 9.66x9.72x6.03mm 3.51ct VS2 K Excellent GIA $12,320.00 /carat $43,243.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N166139696 Round 9.63x9.68x6.07mm 3.51ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $10,819.20 /carat $37,975.39 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N428169696 Round 9.69x9.62x6.03mm 3.51ct SI2 J Excellent GIA $10,718.40 /carat $37,621.58 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N188329697 Round 9.66x9.71x6.07mm 3.52ct VVS2 F Excellent GIA $24,388.00 /carat $85,845.76 /stone Call our store

Items 16661 to 16680 of 16922 total

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