GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 16761 to 16780 of 17184 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 2.63ct VVS1 G $42,505.01 Call our store
Round 2.66ct VVS2 F $41,827.97 Call our store
Round 2.69ct VS2 D $52,724.00 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS2 D $71,064.00 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS1 D $65,696.40 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS1 E $57,788.64 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS1 F $55,218.24 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS1 E $52,602.48 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS2 E $52,073.28 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VS1 D $52,073.28 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VS1 D $50,213.52 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS1 I $31,570.56 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS2 I $28,939.68 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VVS2 I $27,941.76 Call our store
Round 2.70ct VS2 K $14,478.91 Call our store
Round 2.71ct VVS1 D $66,774.40 Call our store
Round 2.71ct VVS1 D $64,270.36 Call our store
Round 2.71ct VS2 G $40,565.45 Call our store
Round 2.71ct SI2 D $29,839.05 Call our store
Round 2.71ct SI1 L $12,292.56 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N356488788 Round 8.74x8.80x5.47mm 2.63ct VVS1 G Excellent GIA $16,161.60 /carat $42,505.01 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N126749090 Round 9.00x9.06x5.42mm 2.66ct VVS2 F Excellent GIA $15,724.80 /carat $41,827.97 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N148698990 Round 8.99x9.06x5.52mm 2.69ct VS2 D Excellent GIA $19,600.00 /carat $52,724.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N147808888 Round 8.83x8.88x5.51mm 2.70ct VVS2 D Excellent GIA $26,320.00 /carat $71,064.00 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N180568889 Round 8.86x8.90x5.53mm 2.70ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $24,332.00 /carat $65,696.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N344538889 Round 8.85x8.90x5.47mm 2.70ct VVS1 E Excellent GIA $21,403.20 /carat $57,788.64 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N193218989 Round 8.90x8.96x5.50mm 2.70ct VVS1 F Excellent GIA $20,451.20 /carat $55,218.24 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N192978889 Round 8.85x8.93x5.56mm 2.70ct VVS1 E Excellent GIA $19,482.40 /carat $52,602.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N123708889 Round 8.86x8.92x5.53mm 2.70ct VVS2 E Excellent GIA $19,286.40 /carat $52,073.28 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N121968889 Round 8.84x8.90x5.49mm 2.70ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $19,286.40 /carat $52,073.28 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N123098888 Round 8.80x8.84x5.52mm 2.70ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $18,597.60 /carat $50,213.52 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N170528889 Round 8.84x8.90x5.52mm 2.70ct VVS1 I Excellent GIA $11,692.80 /carat $31,570.56 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N122268990 Round 8.97x9.02x5.40mm 2.70ct VVS2 I Excellent GIA $10,718.40 /carat $28,939.68 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N193568888 Round 8.82x8.89x5.54mm 2.70ct VVS2 I Excellent GIA $10,348.80 /carat $27,941.76 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N122918888 Round 8.81x8.87x5.60mm 2.70ct VS2 K Excellent GIA $5,362.56 /carat $14,478.91 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N175348889 Round 8.85x8.90x5.56mm 2.71ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $24,640.00 /carat $66,774.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N345178888 Round 8.82x8.88x5.52mm 2.71ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $23,716.00 /carat $64,270.36 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N418498888 Round 8.86x8.81x5.54mm 2.71ct VS2 G Excellent GIA $14,968.80 /carat $40,565.45 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N198878888 Round 8.82x8.86x5.55mm 2.71ct SI2 D Excellent GIA $11,010.72 /carat $29,839.05 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N175698888 Round 8.83x8.87x5.54mm 2.71ct SI1 L Excellent GIA $4,536.00 /carat $12,292.56 /stone Call our store

Items 16761 to 16780 of 17184 total

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