GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 17481 to 17500 of 17524 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 6.01ct SI1 J $87,943.13 Call our store
Round 6.02ct VS1 I $195,529.60 Call our store
Round 6.02ct SI1 H $128,644.99 Call our store
Round 6.02ct VS1 H $121,363.20 Call our store
Round 6.03ct VVS1 D $311,813.71 Call our store
Round 6.04ct VS1 G $267,554.60 Call our store
Round 6.06ct VVS1 D $313,365.02 Call our store
Round 6.07ct VS2 E $197,969.41 Call our store
Round 6.11ct SI1 I $124,717.32 Call our store
Round 6.13ct VVS2 H $159,281.92 Call our store
Round 6.31ct VS1 G $325,091.20 Call our store
Round 6.31ct VVS1 L $97,774.71 Call our store
Round 6.82ct SI1 L $59,808.67 Call our store
Round 7.01ct SI1 G $206,015.49 Call our store
Round 7.03ct VS2 I $156,605.90 Call our store
Round 7.11ct VS2 I $162,449.28 Call our store
Round 7.15ct VS2 H $171,771.60 Call our store
Round 7.20ct VS1 F $335,301.12 Call our store
Round 7.22ct SI1 I $149,194.08 Call our store
Round 7.25ct VS2 H $263,900.00 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N174031111 Round 11.69x11.75x7.18mm 6.01ct SI1 J Excellent GIA $14,632.80 /carat $87,943.13 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N151211111 Round 11.67x11.75x7.16mm 6.02ct VS1 I Excellent GIA $32,480.00 /carat $195,529.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N110551111 Round 11.52x11.57x7.27mm 6.02ct SI1 H Excellent GIA $21,369.60 /carat $128,644.99 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N132331111 Round 11.59x11.66x7.27mm 6.02ct VS1 H Excellent GIA $20,160.00 /carat $121,363.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N341071111 Round 11.71x11.76x7.18mm 6.03ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $51,710.40 /carat $311,813.71 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N630271111 Round 11.66x11.71x7.21mm 6.04ct VS1 G Excellent GIA $44,297.12 /carat $267,554.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N334501111 Round 11.69x11.75x7.22mm 6.06ct VVS1 D Excellent GIA $51,710.40 /carat $313,365.02 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N158401111 Round 11.58x11.64x7.22mm 6.07ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $32,614.40 /carat $197,969.41 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N448671111 Round 11.64x11.57x7.27mm 6.11ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $20,412.00 /carat $124,717.32 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N344501111 Round 11.67x11.73x7.24mm 6.13ct VVS2 H Excellent GIA $25,984.00 /carat $159,281.92 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N156851111 Round 11.79x11.83x7.39mm 6.31ct VS1 G Excellent GIA $51,520.00 /carat $325,091.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N638851111 Round 11.94x11.98x7.24mm 6.31ct VVS1 L Excellent GIA $15,495.20 /carat $97,774.71 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N100551212 Round 12.10x12.17x7.52mm 6.82ct SI1 L Excellent GIA $8,769.60 /carat $59,808.67 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N115801212 Round 12.33x12.39x7.45mm 7.01ct SI1 G Excellent GIA $29,388.80 /carat $206,015.49 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N116221212 Round 12.34x12.39x7.51mm 7.03ct VS2 I Excellent GIA $22,276.80 /carat $156,605.90 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N104651212 Round 12.30x12.37x7.52mm 7.11ct VS2 I Excellent GIA $22,848.00 /carat $162,449.28 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N149051212 Round 12.51x12.56x7.54mm 7.15ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $24,024.00 /carat $171,771.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N177881212 Round 12.40x12.45x7.62mm 7.20ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $46,569.60 /carat $335,301.12 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N169311212 Round 12.36x12.42x7.67mm 7.22ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $20,664.00 /carat $149,194.08 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N151081212 Round 12.50x12.52x7.65mm 7.25ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $36,400.00 /carat $263,900.00 /stone Call our store

Items 17481 to 17500 of 17524 total

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