GIA Certified Diamond

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Items 17621 to 17640 of 17683 total

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  Shape Carat Clarity Color Price/Stone  
Round 5.38ct VVS1 H $216,927.63 Call our store
Round 5.43ct SI1 E $136,927.22 Call our store
Round 5.51ct VS1 D $217,164.53 Call our store
Round 5.51ct VS2 E $166,548.35 Call our store
Round 5.52ct VS1 E $183,926.40 Call our store
Round 5.52ct VS1 G $182,009.86 Call our store
Round 5.52ct VS2 H $132,612.48 Call our store
Round 5.52ct VS2 I $78,825.60 Call our store
Round 5.53ct VS1 D $235,047.12 Call our store
Round 5.53ct VS1 G $139,603.74 Call our store
Round 5.55ct VS1 F $218,181.60 Call our store
Round 5.55ct SI1 I $79,720.20 Call our store
Round 5.55ct SI2 I $75,151.44 Call our store
Round 5.56ct VVS2 F $237,131.78 Call our store
Round 5.60ct IF F $293,027.84 Call our store
Round 5.62ct VS1 J $85,855.62 Call our store
Round 5.68ct VVS1 G $204,779.90 Call our store
Round 5.80ct VS2 F $172,176.48 Call our store
Round 6.01ct IF E $303,509.81 Call our store
Round 6.01ct SI1 J $87,943.13 Call our store
  Type Lot# Shape MM Size Carat Clarity Color Cut Report Certificate Price/CT Est. Price  
Lab Grown N633891111 Round 11.24x11.28x6.91mm 5.38ct VVS1 H Very good GIA $40,321.12 /carat $216,927.63 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N148781111 Round 11.10x11.16x7.06mm 5.43ct SI1 E Excellent GIA $25,216.80 /carat $136,927.22 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N355401111 Round 11.33x11.40x6.97mm 5.51ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $39,412.80 /carat $217,164.53 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N304711111 Round 11.30x11.35x6.98mm 5.51ct VS2 E Excellent GIA $30,226.56 /carat $166,548.35 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N193951111 Round 11.25x11.29x6.95mm 5.52ct VS1 E Excellent GIA $33,320.00 /carat $183,926.40 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N142941111 Round 11.26x11.34x6.95mm 5.52ct VS1 G Excellent GIA $32,972.80 /carat $182,009.86 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N164771111 Round 11.19x11.26x7.02mm 5.52ct VS2 H Excellent GIA $24,024.00 /carat $132,612.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N164941111 Round 11.24x11.33x7.03mm 5.52ct VS2 I Excellent GIA $14,280.00 /carat $78,825.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N184171111 Round 11.30x11.34x6.99mm 5.53ct VS1 D Excellent GIA $42,504.00 /carat $235,047.12 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N153001111 Round 11.32x11.38x7.00mm 5.53ct VS1 G Excellent GIA $25,244.80 /carat $139,603.74 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N168661111 Round 11.21x11.27x6.95mm 5.55ct VS1 F Excellent GIA $39,312.00 /carat $218,181.60 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N384551111 Round 11.26x11.31x6.98mm 5.55ct SI1 I Excellent GIA $14,364.00 /carat $79,720.20 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N170591111 Round 11.23x11.28x7.03mm 5.55ct SI2 I Excellent GIA $13,540.80 /carat $75,151.44 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N195531111 Round 11.37x11.39x6.98mm 5.56ct VVS2 F Excellent GIA $42,649.60 /carat $237,131.78 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N162521111 Round 11.47x11.56x6.92mm 5.60ct IF F Excellent GIA $52,326.40 /carat $293,027.84 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N187351111 Round 11.49x11.56x6.94mm 5.62ct VS1 J Excellent GIA $15,276.80 /carat $85,855.62 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N104511111 Round 11.40x11.47x7.02mm 5.68ct VVS1 G Excellent GIA $36,052.80 /carat $204,779.90 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N347771111 Round 11.49x11.55x7.09mm 5.80ct VS2 F Excellent GIA $29,685.60 /carat $172,176.48 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N366961111 Round 11.43x11.54x7.22mm 6.01ct IF E Excellent GIA $50,500.80 /carat $303,509.81 /stone Call our store
Lab Grown N174031111 Round 11.69x11.75x7.18mm 6.01ct SI1 J Excellent GIA $14,632.80 /carat $87,943.13 /stone Call our store

Items 17621 to 17640 of 17683 total

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