Product API
Authentication Keys
- Consumerkey = bbae36baea2ef8dcd1f9a8a88cc59f06
- Consumersecret = 5edc426ec2965bba17c96e766c47ad73
- Oauth_token = 819dc5826cd08cca9c57d392ba2b305e
- Oauth_token_secret = 97565ea77d5c8c8f7c63b8f5f3916656
API url for category jewelry
Example of API request call
This parameter is used with number_of_items to page subsequent requests. Increment by 1 to get the next batch of items. When the attribute returns null, there are no more results.
- 134 = Engagement Rings
- 152 = Wedding Bands
- 694 = Fashion Rings
- 497 = Bracelets
- 1023 = Pendants
- 630 = Necklaces
- 156 = Earrings
- B = Lab Grown VS-SI1, E/F/G
- A = SI1, G
- 1 = SI1-SI2, H-I
- 2 = SI1-SI2, G-H
- 3 = I1, H-I
- 4 = VS1-VS2, F-G
- 5 = SI2, H-I
- 7 = I2, H-I
- 8 = Champagne
- 9 = Black Diamond
Note: The above example of API request call give you 30 items per call, increment page_number by 1 on next call give you the next 30 items etc. Category is Engagement Rings (134); diamond quality is Lab Grown Diamond. For quick processing time, prices are pre-calculated for diamond quality B or 2 at $1,950 gold & $1,050 platinum. If you request other diamond qualities, the prices will be calculated dynamically while downloading. A prolonged downloading time will be expected.
Response of the API request call
<entity_id> | ID of the item |
<Sku> | style number |
<name> | name of the style number |
<description> | description for the style number |
<finalprice >…<finalprice > |
4W2B (14kt, White, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) 4Y2B (14kt, Yellow, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) 4K2B (14kt, Pink, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) 8W2B (18kt, White, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) 8Y2B (18kt, Yellow, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) 8K2B (18kt, Pink, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) PP2B (Platinum, Semi-Mount, Lab Grown Diamond) Note1: For engagement rings, the default price is level 2 (semi-mount); if there is no side diamond e.g. solitaire or if the diamond price is not available, the default price is level 6 (polished) e.g. 4W6 (14kt, White, Polished). Note2: For all other categories, the default price is level 1 (complete); if there is no diamond e.g. gold band or if the diamond price is not available, the default price is level 6 (polished) e.g. 4Y6 (14kt, Yellow, Polished) |
<Goldprice> | fixed gold price at which the item price is calculated ($1,950) |
<silverprice> | fixed silver price at which the item price is calculated ($40) |
<platinumprice> | fixed platinum price at which the item price is calculated ($1,050) |
<palladiumprice> | fixed palladium price at which the item price is calculated ($2,900) |
<fractioncenter> | center diamond carat size in fraction except earrings which is in pair note: apply to engagement rings only, if value is blank, items take peg head. Peg Head items take any size & any shape center stone. |
<fractionsemimount> | total side (melee) diamonds in fraction except earrings which is in pair note: if value is blank, items can be solitaire or items can be all metal. |
<fractioncomplete> | total diamonds center + side in fraction except earrings which is in pair |
<metalType> | default metal type e.g. 14kt |
<metalColor> | default metal color e.g. White |
<finishLevel> | default finished level: Level 6 Polished blank (no stones), level 1 Complete, level 2 Semi-mount (no center) |
<diamondQuality> |
default diamond quality B =Lab Grown VS-SI1, E/F/G A = SI1, G 1 = SI1-SI2, H-I 2 = SI1-SI2, G-H 3 = I1, H-I 4 = VS1-VS2, F-G 5 = SI2, H-I 7 = I2, H-I 8 = Champagne 9 = Black Diamond |
<FingerSize> | default finger size of the ring |
<CenterShape> |
Center stone shape:TAKE PEG HEAD, ROUND, OVAL etc. note: TAKE PEG HEAD means item takes peg head to complete; peg head items take any shape & any size center stone. ROUND, OVAL etc. means item takes fixed center shape. |
<SideDiamondNumber> | total number of side diamond |
<metalWeight> | total metal weight in dwt |
<shippingDay> | number of shipping days it takes to ship the item |
<Weightunit> | dwt |
<TotalDiamondWeight> | total diamond weight |
<TotalGemstoneWeight> | total gemstone weight |
<BaseMetalType> | gold |
<ProductClass> | product type: engagement rings, wedding bands, earring etc. |
<GemstoneType1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone type - Diamond or Stone (color) |
<NoOfGemstones1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone Quantity |
<GemstoneShape1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone shape |
<GemstoneCaratWeight1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone weight in carat |
<GemstoneLotNo1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: blank value (reserve) |
<GemstoneLotCode1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone code |
<GemstoneSettingLaborCode1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: Setting labor code |
<GemstoneDimensions1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone dimension in mm size |
<GemstoneQuality1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone quality |
<DiamondClarity1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone clarity |
<AdditionalInfo1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: C (Center) or M (Melee) |
<categoryvalue> | category, subcategory etc. |
<default_image_url> | url link to the style's default image |
<images>… </images> | url links to all available images for the style |
<video>...</video> | url links to all available video for the style |
<totalcount> | number of items available in the category |
API url for in-stock jewelry
Example of API request call
This parameter is used with number_of_items to page subsequent requests. Increment by 1 to get the next batch of items. When the attribute returns null, there are no more results.
- 1200 = All in-stock Lab Grown Diamond Jewelry
- 1201 = Engagement Rings (LG)
- 1202 = Wedding Bands (LG)
- 1203 = Fashion Rings (LG)
- 1204 = Bracelets (LG)
- 1025 = Pendants (LG)
- 1206 = Necklaces (LG)
- 1207 = Earrings (LG)
- 1199 = All in-stock Natural Diamond Jewelry
- 1083 = Engagement Rings (Natural Diamond)
- 1084 = Wedding Bands (Natural Diamond)
- 1085 = Fashion Rings (Natural Diamond)
- 1086 = Bracelets (Natural Diamond)
- 1087 = Pendants (Natural Diamond)
- 1088 = Necklaces (Natural Diamond)
- 1089 = Earrings (Natural Diamond)
Note: The above example of API request call give you 30 items per call, increment page_number by 1 on next call give you the next 30 items etc. Category is all lab grown diamond jewelry (1200). Each in-stock item’s variation is specific. Check the attributes metal type, metal color, level (finished), quality (diamond) & fingersize (Rings & bands) for the specifics. We update the in-stock inventory at the current metal market every 3 hours. We strongly suggest downloading and staging the necessary data to maintain your website’s product listings.
Response of the API request call
<entity_id> | ID of the item |
<Sku> | style number |
<name> | name of the style number |
<description> | description for the style number |
<finalprice >…<finalprice > | the price of the style |
<Goldprice> | gold price at which the item price is calculated |
<silverprice> | silver price at which the item price is calculated |
<platinumprice> | platinum price at which the item price is calculated |
<palladiumprice> | palladium price at which the item price is calculated |
<fractioncenter> | center diamond carat size in fraction except earrings which is in pair note: apply to engagement rings only, if value is blank, items take peg head. Peg Head items take any size & any shape center stone. |
<fractionsemimount> | total side (melee) diamonds in fraction except earrings which is in pair note: if value is blank, items can be solitaire or items can be all metal. |
<fractioncomplete> | total diamonds center + side in fraction except earrings which is in pair |
<metalType> | metal type e.g. 14kt |
<metalColor> | metal color e.g. White |
<finishLevel> | finished level: Level 6 Polished blank (no stones), level 1 Complete, level 2 Semi-mount (no center) |
<diamondQuality> |
diamond quality B =Lab Grown VS-SI1, E/F/G A = SI1, G 1 = SI1-SI2, H-I 2 = SI1-SI2, G-H 3 = I1, H-I 4 = VS1-VS2, F-G 5 = SI2, H-I 7 = I2, H-I 8 = Champagne 9 = Black Diamond |
<FingerSize> | finger size of the ring |
<CenterShape> |
Center stone shape:TAKE PEG HEAD, ROUND, OVAL etc. note: TAKE PEG HEAD means item takes peg head to complete; peg head items take any shape & any size center stone. ROUND, OVAL etc. means item takes fixed center shape. |
<SideDiamondNumber> | total number of side diamond |
<metalWeight> | total metal weight in dwt |
<shippingDay> | number of shipping days it takes to ship the item |
<Weightunit> | dwt |
<qoh> | on hand quantity |
<TotalDiamondWeight> | total diamond weight |
<TotalGemstoneWeight> | total gemstone weight |
<BaseMetalType> | gold |
<ProductClass> | product type: engagement rings, wedding bands, earring etc. |
<GemstoneType1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone type - Diamond or Stone (color) |
<NoOfGemstones1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone Quantity |
<GemstoneShape1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone shape |
<GemstoneCaratWeight1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone weight in carat |
<GemstoneLotNo1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: blank value (reserve) |
<GemstoneLotCode1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone code |
<GemstoneSettingLaborCode1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: Setting labor code |
<GemstoneDimensions1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone dimension in mm size |
<GemstoneQuality1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone quality |
<DiamondClarity1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: stone clarity |
<AdditionalInfo1> to 10 | 10 lines of bom: C (Center) or M (Melee) |
<categoryvalue> | category, subcategory etc. |
<default_image_url> | url link to the style's default image |
<images>… </images> | url links to all available images for the style |
<video>...</video> | url links to all available video for the style |
<totalcount> | number of items available in the category |
Dynamic Pricing API
Authentication Keys
- Consumerkey = bbae36baea2ef8dcd1f9a8a88cc59f06
- Consumersecret = 5edc426ec2965bba17c96e766c47ad73
- Oauth_token = 819dc5826cd08cca9c57d392ba2b305e
- Oauth_token_secret = 97565ea77d5c8c8f7c63b8f5f3916656
API url for Pricing
Example of API request call, G-H
action | pricecalculation |
type | json |
level |
metaltype |
metalcolor |
stylenumber | OMI style # e.g. 50975-E-21/4 |
quality |
sizevalue |
fingersizevalue |
NOTE: The above example of API request call give you the price for style # 50975-E-21/4, complete, 14kt, white, SI1-SI2, G-H, stock finger size.
Response of the API request
{"price":107199.99000000001,"finaldays":"8 days"}
<price> | Price at triple key |
<finaldays> | Number of shipping days |